A STAB-boosted Hydro Pump with Choice Specs coming from a massive Special Attack stat allows Wishiwashi to 2HKO even Water-resistant Pokemon like Drampa and Abomasnow. Claydol's main role is to remove entry hazards, so Rapid Spin is crucial. 30% chance to make the foe (s) flinch. Cacturne finds its niche in the PU metagame as a strong offensive Spikes setter. 2 Minor appearances 2. Morelull's niche over Foongus is being a check to Fighting-types and Grookey that isn't weak to Psychic, letting it also check Psychic Fangs Tyrunt and Carvanha. For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves. No additional effect. Nature. 30% chance to make the foe (s) flinch. If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. Holder's attacks do 1. If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. Passimian is the only Fighting-type Pokemon in the tier that can perform the roles of a revenge killer and pivot with U-turn. This does let Gurdurr activate Guts as it switches in, unfortunately, and Toxic also invites in Pokemon like Aggron and Qwilfish, which can handle both Toxic and Return. Leftovers maximizes longevity by granting Carbink passive recovery and pairs well with Protect if running it. Diancie, despite its Poison neutrality, can defensively answer Salazzle and OHKO it with Diamond Storm. This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. 252 HP. Spore can put switch-ins like Silvally-Poison and Ninetales out of commission, and the move itself forces many switches. Guts. 248 HP EVs maximize Ditto's HP while minimizing Struggle recoil. It is primarily designed to take down the opponent's team with high-damaging special attacks. This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it. High critical hit ratio. Furthermore, a decent Special Attack stat in tandem with a good STAB combination and nearly unresisted coverage allows it to adequately pressure offensive and defensive teams alike, and a. It also serves as coverage for Incineroar and Kyurem-B. Two Morelull appeared in Mallow and. When its prey succumb to. Strength Sap and Leech Seed guarantees that it beats most physical attackers in a 1v1, and Rocky Helmet is useful for the extra chip, especially since Shiinotic is most likely getting hit with a Knock Off or two and Grass. 252 Spe. If holder has a Normal move, this item allows it to use a Normal Z-Move. Overview. Strength Sap (move) From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. It's typing allows it to resist every possible move besides Play Rough, which only does around 25-30% to phys def Shiinotic. 252 Spe. 45). It can perform as a great wall both physically with its Rocky Helmet set as well as specially with an Assault Vest, which is required. Double damage on Dig. Drampa can also use its utility moves in Calm Mind and Roost to set up on special attackers. Effect Spore. Colbur Berry makes Rotom more effective at switching into Passimian and protects it against Pursuit trapping from Sneasel. Drifblim should be utilized mid- or late-game after Pokemon such as Regirock, Eelektross, and Skuntank and faster Choice Scarf users such as Dodrio have been removed from the field or worn down. This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage if hit by a Grass move; Grass immunity. Its access to coverage moves like Rock Slide and Gunk Shot allows it to punish its checks in Flying- and Fairy-types like Talonflame and Sylveon. Don't use Oranguru. This is a sample set while we work on new analyses. Rock Polish is Sandygast's main move, as it allows Sandygast to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame after a boost. 8 SpD. 252 SpD. At the end of every turn, holder restores 1/16 of its max HP. 252 Spe. Thanks to these qualities, Toxapex is. 2. Strength Sap (Japanese: ちからをすいとる Strength Sap) is a non-damaging Grass-type move introduced in Generation VII. 252 Atk. 1 Main. 20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Ultra Sun. 1 Pokédex entries 4. Factors Rock weakness. Leaf Blade is Lurantis's most powerful physical STAB attack, able to hit Pokemon like Tapu Fini and Diancie for super effective damage. Adamant. Sylveon is one of the best clerics in the tier thanks to its mono-Fairy typing allowing it to switch into strong and powerful Dragon-, Dark-, and Fighting-type moves such as Latias and Hydreigon 's Draco Meteor, Krookodile 's Knock Off, and Infernape 's Close Combat. For 5 turns, the foe (s) is prevented from healing. Giga Drain is Shiinotic's Grass-type STAB move, hitting Ground-, Rock-, and Water-types such as Mudsdale, Regirock, and Lanturn while also providing Shiinotic with semi-reliable. Destiny Bond can be used to take down Staryu and non-Choice Scarf Pawniard along. This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. 252 Spe. One of them had been draining energy from Ash and his classmates to help sustain a tree. Claydol's main role is to remove entry hazards, so Rapid Spin is crucial. Loading. Superpower is Bewear's strongest Fighting-type STAB option with the most reliable damage output, and the stat drops from using the move are. 4 Def. Morelull also offers teams key resistances to Ground- and Dark-type moves. 5x. Shiinotic is best used as a check to physical attackers with Effect Spore and as a means to put foes to sleep with Spore. Additionally, Effect Spore lets it reliably check many viable threats such as Silvally-Fighting, Silvally-Dark, Torterra, and Golem, while Spore can catch an incoming wallbreaker or setup sweeper off guard and put. Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1. If holder's species can evolve, its Defense and Sp. Team Options. 1. This, combined with a solid Grass / Fairy typing, lets it check Water- and Fighting-types such as Hitmonchan and Quagsire. EVs. 252 SpA. 136 Speed EVs with a Timid nature allow Florges to outspeed and remove threats like Bewear and Adamant Tyrantrum. Bewear is an incredibly strong wallbreaker that uses Fluffy and its typing to take advantage of staples like Golisopod, Steelix, and Registeel. 30% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. Politoed, with its good bulk and fair defensive typing, can check certain Pokemon including Omastar and Regirock. No competitive use. User sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. Morelull are nocturnal Pokémon that walk around at night on their leg-like roots. First Impression is Golisopod's best move, allowing it to revenge kill faster Pokemon like Gardevoir, Virizion, and Roserade thanks to STAB and its high power. User. Superpower, while being slightly weaker than Leaf Blade, is often Lurantis's primary attack, since it wants to get stat boosts as soon as possible. 10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Punishment can pressure Ghost-type setup sweepers like bulky. Ninetales is a threatening wallbreaker thanks to its Drought ability and ability to threaten switch-ins with Nasty Plot or Choice Specs-boosted attacks. 10% chance to lower the target's Sp. User replaces its Ability with the target's. 252 Def. Adamant. 10% chance to lower the target's Sp. EVs. Forums. 3x but it then loses 1/10 its max HP immediately after the attack. Morpeko: Electric; Hangry: Dark; 100% +1 Spe. It also allows Palossand to deal solid damage versus Pokemon such as Slowking, Rotom, and Mismagius. Timid. It is also Nihilego's best source of damage against Mega Blastoise, Suicune, and Ground-types like Mamoswine and Hippowdon. This Pokemon's Sp. PeacefulParrot • 3 yr. Holder's Sp. Illuminate. Mienshao is a good fast pivot due to its access to U-turn and Knock Off in conjunction with Regenerator and an Assault Vest, allowing it to constantly pivot in and chip foes throughout a game. Hurts foes on switch-in. 4 SpD. A nutrient-draining attack. Boasting a nuclear Draco Meteor and strong coverage moves, Drampa can prove quite difficult to switch into for walls like Copperajah and Dhelmise. Shiinotic set, for whenever. Its body is dark gray with a black head and feet. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target. User sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. Suicune is a great setup sweeper thanks to its solid defensive typing and natural bulk, which also allows it to check prominent threats such as Scizor and Mega Aerodactyl. 3. Shiinotic is a notable Special Sweeper for single battles. It is also one of PU's niche special walls thanks to its amazing defensive typing and stats, which allow it to check threatening offensive Pokemon such as Drampa, Oricorio-G, and Simisear. Inteleon's incredible Speed tier and access to U-turn make it a good wallbreaker and pivot in NU, severely punishing teams that lack a sturdy Water-type check and preserving momentum against solid switch-ins like Vaporeon and Mantine. lol -mz [OVERVIEW] While Shiinotic has an interesting typing, usable bulk, Strength Sap, and Spore, it is fairly passive, is weak to status, and is very slow. It can also run Stealth Rock, but if another teammate is already running it, Toxic should be used to cripple bulky Pokemon that take little from Claydol otherwise such as Cryogonal and Articuno. Abilities. Very weak to: Poison. 252 Spe. EVs. 2x power. Atk by 2. Shiinotic, Slowbrow, Slowking, Snorlax, Sudowoodo, Wishiwashi-S 25 // Gigalith 20 // Torkoal 5 // Pyukumuku[/hide] TIER 0: 224+ (Anything that outspeeds. 40 SpA. Earth Power allows Palossand to hit. On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Hail. It emits flickering spores that cause drowsiness. Raises the user's Defense by 1. Atk as it does Attack (90 vs. Swampert also faces severe competition from Hippowdon as a Ground-type Stealth Rock setter, which possesses reliable recovery to let it consistently check Zygarde-10% and Cobalion throughout a game. Moon. 5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Raises the user's Speed by 2. Amoonguss is a potent defensive wall due to its good defensive typing, which enables it to check dangerous foes such as Azumarill, Primarina, and Zarude, combined with its access to Regenerator. 252 Spe. Power doubles if others used Round this turn. 252 Atk. The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. . Zapdos's unique defensive typing and ability in Static let it check and punish common offensive threats like Rillaboom, Kartana, and Tornadus-T as well as common U-turn users like Urshifu-R and Landorus-T. EVs. Abilities. . Other Water-immune foes like Toxicroak and Heliolisk aren't as durable but still negate Hydro Pump's damage entirely and easily OHKO Inteleon. Timid. 4 HP. A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it. This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. 5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. However, Swampert's access to Flip Turn and ability to blank Rotom-W gives it a solid niche over Hippowdon on more offensive VoltTurn teams. Jolly. Rain Dish. 252 HP. It is a utility attacker with decent coverage and Will-O-Wisp. High base Attack and wide coverage make Incineroar one of NU's most potent. No additional effect. Additionally, Effect Spore lets it reliably check many viable threats such as Silvally-Fighting, Silvally-Dark, Torterra, and Golem, while Spore can catch an. Def and 80 Defense, though with 60 base HP. Hidden Ability: (Available through transfer) Poison. Additionally, its Speed leaves it with limited offensive counterplay and makes it a good revenge. Slush Rush Arctovish uses its Fishious Rend and boosted Speed to plow through defensive and offensive threats alike. This, combined with a solid Grass / Fairy typing, lets it check Water- and Fighting-types such as Hitmonchan and Water-types. Atk is 1. A Careful nature should be used with Rock Slide to maximize its damage. EVs. 10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Calm.