The HRE button is adjacent to it. 2. Reply More posts you may like. The cost increases in increments of 5 because the devs wanted diminishing. Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities:. 2. If none of those exist as well, the Papal State is gone forever and the curia is removed. If you have more than 7 cardinals, you only get Papal influence from 7 of them. Thread starter Mr. ). You also will have plenty of army tradition with the other idea groups/trigger modifiers so you spawn good generals. This event lets you leverage that, deciding whether the country in question will get more or less Papal Authority. The best Papal ability is to buy stability, being at permanent 3 stability is extremely strong. 17 JANGLADESH on very hard mode one tag AAR: Visit Jangladesh! EU4 patch 1. add_natives [province tag] [amount] - Additional natives in specified province. . 1 Flavour events. Prins_Pils • 8 yr. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. [1] Clicking on a mission icon leads to the appropriate table row. However papal influence is pretty difficult to get and unless you can farm like 10 per year it gives much less bonuses compared to other religions. Its just hard to not see papal influence not being a factor this game. Cardinal selection [edit | edit source]If Rome is conquered a Catholic theocracy government with more than one province can get an event that allows the Papal States to take their territory. But even if the papal state is destroyed and not resurected, the curia will be still there for all catholic countries. None of. 7I don't know if I'm misunderstanding the new mechanics of the new Catholic Curia stuff, but I can't seem to generate papal influence passively when I play as the pope. Keep in mind that having the Pope like you gives you some advantages. Europa Universalis IV. Lose -20 Administrative power. U. Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. In their starting traditions they have yearly papal influence +1. Copatus • 5 yr. If you think you can't deal with. It is mainly for faster and cheaper colonisation and transferring dev to colonies. I go Influence last if I even use it, mostly just for another diplo. When playing a country with yearly papal influence as a national idea, and you convert to Protestant or Reformed, will you get yearly church power or fervor points instead?. Then you should be the only available candidate since no one else has any cardinals. The Crusade bonuses are also very nice if you're fighting the Ottomans. 4. An AI country wins war with Papal State and annexes it. Losing any Curia influence (Papal State can still own curia from time to time) isn't worth the mediocre bonuses. Mar 26, 2013 10 0. If you take the Clergy's offer, you can spend the Papal Influence to get free Stability, army morale, and a tax boost. More posts from the eu4 community. formgry • 8 yr. . 3. Take any of the muslin branches for example if you are fully legalistic you get -10% tech cost combine that with loyal. This will give 15 Papal influence. Cost to fabricate claims, as stupid as that sounds. It’s basically just a way for the papal state to either raise or lower relations. Papacies are Papal Theocracies. I think Catholicism is one of the weakest religions in game. Dec 21, · This page deals with commands used in the. Later I want to form Italy or even Roman Empire. The game says you're supposed to gain some for converting provinces to Catholic, but I don't think this works? Other than that there's just yearly gains, which are fairly low: with 4 cardinals and +200 relations with the Pope, you will gain 5 Papal Influence per year. Athenian idea 4: Revive the Latin Greece. The first of these is random events that increase or decrease monarch points. 1. It has a monetary cost for the Pope, depending on the target nation’s number of cardinals and the total number of cardinals. The Holy Roman Empire ( HRE) is a unique political structure in the game, made up of numerous variously-sized states of the Germanic region and northern Italian Peninsula in Europe. Albert I Colonel. Map Staring. But! it says I need to wait until next year, because you cannot keep excommunicating rulers. It's essentially a chance game. Well, you convert the capital. Discussion. 5 Giordano Bruno. Thanks. Part of what's so nice about papal influence is it basically converts into all the major resources. The invested influence resets when a new curia controller is elected. Charisma22; Start date Aug 14, 2013; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have. 280k members in the eu4 community. This tab is located on the bottom left of your screen, near the minimap. 7; The Papal State: has an opinion of at least 150 towards this country: ×0. ally with france then reconquest. 7. 5. . If there's another independent Catholic theocracy, they'll give 1 province to the Papal State so that they can exist again. If you have more than 7 cardinals, you only get Papal influence from 7 of them. The Papal Controller gets these bonuses:Also: If you have spare cash, buying indulgences gives you extra papal influence, and as a catholic nation I always take the Clergy estate privilege that gives you three papal influence per church built instead of "oversight if the clergy" or whatever - both give you ten Clergy loyalty/influence for seizing crown land ever five years, but the. also, in my experience, if the country has a cardinal in the curia they are immune to excommunication. Not worth it to give up Papal Influence Actions just to. 4 Reorganization of the Holy Inquisition. This is a strategy I invented when theory crafting the 1536 Venice to Rome run. Papal States get influence over time according to the total number of cardenals there is. All you can do is build +Papal influence buildings, spread Catholicism, and increase relations with the Pope. Having any religion besides Catholicism should already set influence to 0 and automatically disable interacting with the interface. 4. Crypto- The papal state offers a unique spin on eu4 gameplay. Press ~ (the key above TAB) to bring up the console. Eu4 papal influence cheat. 292k. Posted by u/[deleted] 4 years ago. The player's (France's) cardinals are in green, and the countries with the next most likely chance of getting a cardinal are at the upper right. Created Aug 10, 2012. I became C. In general, I recommend writing a small event that you fire through the console, less typing, you can easily trigger it for other countries without having to tag switch and you have much more freedom in what to do, for example you would be able to adjust loyalty and influence for all estates in one. Because it is multiplayer I won't be just waltzing around in HRE conquering Protestant conversion centers, so I won't have much use with missionaries and. World Conquerors. . formgry • 8 yr. Revolutions have been completely overhauled in the new patch! There are a lot more game mechanics on how you get the revolutionary government along with some. especially with the Influence combo, you got no papal influence but instead get a passive chance to control the Curia (and it is usually the largest one), even your starting position is very strong – everyone wants to be your friend. Now they are having some conversions. If you're Catholic and conquer Rome or vassalize the Pope, you get some pretty heft diplomatic penalties (unless you're Italy or the Roman Empire, I believe). 8; has at least 35 papal influence: ×0. Truce breaking now costs under 50 papal influence, which sounds way better than any amount of admin. Report Save. User account menu. Capital. Augsburger idea 3: Birthplace of Hans Holbein the Younger. 13 YEREN into Qing true one tag (no CN) AAR: For the horde! and EU4 patch 1. The influence of estates, a measure of how much power an estate has over the nation's government. Vassalizing Papal States: -2 Diplo-Rep. True. Find below a list of all Casus Bellis and their IDs from the Europa Universalis IV game. To become papal controller, you must have at least one cardinal and then invest papal influence to increase your chance of becoming it when the current pope dies. It requires Purple Phoenix DLC for the mission tree to be full. The main benefit is the papal interactions. That didn't happen. 3k. Moving Sicilian from cultural group to accepted isn't worth much. But do you know if making them a march would matter? Would it still just give me the papal influence? This thread is archived. You wait for the pope to die and then the pope is picked on the percent chances people have invested. When you kill the papal states a random theology in the HRE gives space for a new Papal. It was much higher a few years ago, not sure what caused it to change. The first country tag is for the country you wish to clear the. News. Note:. But for some reason i…+10% of the gain for every positive opinion increment of 50 (E. 2. Gets “Restoring the Curia Treasury” for 10 years, giving: +50% Curia treasury contribution. Couldnt find a description of it anywhere, but I've seen that you cant excommunicate countries with a lot of stored papal influence, just…Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Active Wikis AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Empire of Sin Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3Catholics get a huge hit to their yearly Papal Influence if they control Rome. The most realistic things are: Cardinals. Mayonnaise_enjoyer • 2 yr. Best. Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Active Wikis. Has access to the. Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by. number of controlled cardinals by Papal State, +1 per month per cardinal (yes, Papacy can have cardinals) watchout86 said: They get papal investment every time they manually appoint a cardinal (which gives a. . Up-to-date, detailed help for the Europa Universalis IV (EU4) command add_pi. Restoration of Union. That being said, I don't see why increasing stability by just 1 needs to cost 100. 3. 7. 35 Domin. This. Convert provinces to Catholism 5. Each convertion gives me between 2-4 points of papal influence. Title. Test 1: hitting "return province" to the Papal state on Umbria did create a Papal State and election for Curia Controller was immediately held. 5th idea is 15% Cavalry Combat Ability. Papal Influence Cap? Thread starter unmerged(475475) Start date Aug 15, 2013; Jump to latest Follow Reply. The pope cannot become controller if the Papal State doesn't exist, but if you hold Roma, you'll get a nasty -10 yearly papal influence. The counter reformation will help me stay on top of the reformation. Playing a Kongo run. Influence can either refer to: Papal influence, a Catholic game mechanic. Monarch point usages is generally limited to what you have, and will never go negative by player actions, except in two cases. add_reformlevel: add_reformlevel [amount]The more Mercantilism you have, the less effective your boats become on nodes where you hold a lot of land, which means you have to keep sending them farther and farther away for them to be worth their mantainance, this is bad when you declare big wars and your boats are in the caribbean. Annexed Savoy, Tuscany , and vassalized Naples and Venice. Kingdom of God disables the Curia and, partly, the papal controller mechanics. : eu4. 3. add_prosperity: add_prosperity [province id] [progress %] This command can be used to make a province progress further towards prosperity. 317K subscribers in the eu4 community. Anyway, even if you are. Reduces curia treasury by 50 ducats. 1 The Commissioning of the Saint Peter's Basilica. the only papal bonus worth taking is +1 dip rep for faster dip integration since you will be swimming in ducats and manpower starting as early as mid-game;. I think it's great what Paradox did in regards to the curia system and how you can spend your papal influence. So you should be then all the time curia controller. It also has a major flaw and that is AI/RNG, so Council of Trent, pietas, crusades may not be that useful if bots decide to do stupid stuff, and trust me, they do. In my current game, there are a total of 45 cardinals, but the papal states only has 10 invested influence. Close. In my opinion this actually makes this option more useful. I have two reformed provinces in the south and two protestant provinces in switzerland. I'm not sure yet what to do with the Papal State. 6th idea is -10% Warscore Cost vs Other Religions and -25% Unjustified Demands. However, looking at the online wiki, I see the below penalties. The Influence idea group, one of the idea groups. Yearly papal influence +0. This action assigns a cardinal in an eligible province in the target nation. Take estate agenda to have 100 relation with the Pope. You can also force them to release other countries within the HRE in the same war or others for more imperial authority. -20% AE is huge and the other bonuses are very nice. Loyalty determines whether that estate gives you a bonus or penalty, while influence determines how large the bonus or penalty is. Apr 1, 2005 1. 39 votes, 21 comments.